Friday, March 20, 2009

Packing up!

It's really that time. Chris and I leave in exactly a week, and while we've made some headway there's still a ton to do! I just took this picture, which only shows about 1/3 of our box-filled, half-packed apartment. It's difficult to "find your center" when your home base is chaos. . .ugh.

Tomorrow we take most of the furniture to our storage unit, and will continue schlepping boxes over the next few days, thanks to my Dad's trusty pickup. (Actually, Dad's the trusty one) I haven't seen the unit yet, and keep having images of everything not fitting!

Next week we'll be cleaning the apt, not sleeping, running errands, packing what we're actually going to take to Japan, not sleeping, trying to study Japanese phrases, organizing our customs/flight info, picking up medical documents, dropping lots and lots of stuff at the Goodwill, trying to see friends one last time, visiting family members, not sleeping, and finally, picking up our visas from the Japanese Consulate - mine will be ready only 24 hours before we fly out, how's that for a nail-biter? Hmm....I don't know if this list is long enough ;)

The next time I post, I hope to God that we've received our placement in Japan! Then I can post links to info about that area, and start to find out a bit about it myself. Then I might start sleeping a bit more.

Please message or email Chris and I with your mailing addresses (if we don't already have them) so we can compile a good postcard list!

Take care, and send us luck!


  1. You will get through this, darlings. You're not packing for exile. You are choosing this. I know what you mean about external chaos-it is challenging, that's for sure. But remember that your central does live and breathe inside of you. It is quite portable. And all this is so worth it. You two have concocted an adventure! I am so proud of you both for breaking out. Your loved ones (that's me plus so many) will be puttering around in your absence. It sure will feel weird to not have you instantly on the other end of my phone, though. I love you dearly. And don't sweat the small stuff. It's just stuff...all my love, Mom

  2. Sounds fantastically exciting, despite all the last minute concerns which will, of course, work themselves out. I can't wait to see the updated photos and links of your place and the surrounding area as you get settled in. Good luck and don't forget that little bit of carefree whimsy that, though currently buried (literally),was the reason for the idea behind this grand adventure in the first place. love, Noah

  3. Hey sweet guys,

    Just a note to say I enjoyed biking to the gym last night, instead of using the TRUCK, and the drive to school in the Citation as well. That pile in the picture is considerably smaller now, so the "date" must almost be here. I'm so glad we'll see you on those last two american nights before "sayonara" here and "ohiyo gozaimas" there.(or however we might spell those beautiful sounds and characters from your new-Temporary!-homeland.
    See you this evening, Tessa and Chris the Explorers!(Watch out for Swiper)
    xxxxx Dad
