Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Quick Update

We are now in Mito for training. Yesterday was an intense day of information overload that I dont have the time to post about now. We did find out a few bits of important information though. I will be teaching at 2 Junior High Schools in Inashiki, and Tessa will be teaching at 8, count'em, 8 elementary schools each week in Namegata and surrounding area. We will be living in a single apartment in Tamatsukuri. We will each be driving our own car that we will have to lease from the company for about $180 per month, including insurance. I start April 6th, and Tessa on the 13th. It would appear that we are some of the lucky ones. Some of the ALTs who arrived here were informed that there were no more full-time positions available. Heart lost out on some of the contracts to provide ALTs to the schools, so some ALTs only have the option of teaching part-time in Tokyo and living in a guest house and/or finding other work. Luckily, we don't fall into that group...That's all I have time for now, I will post more when we have the time.

***It is important to note that this was a decision of the various school boards, not the company we are working for.


  1. How exciting! I'm sure you're exhausted, but just wanted to say "hi". (it's aj from the boards, I know. long time).

    Make sure to post your engrish encounters!

  2. That's Heart for you.

    They have a habit of promising jobs to as many ALTs as they can persuade to work for them, and then start offering you less than promised, in different locations than promised - or just no job at all.

    Which is a bit of a kick in the teeth, when you have left your own country or handed in your resignation to a previous company, based on Heart's job offer.

    Take care when working with this company, and make yourself aware of Japanese employment law.
